The book is here

Well, I had to put a nice little intro together, but the title of this post says it all. The book arrived today and the morning started with a wee celebration in the form of some Swiss chocolate sent to me from a deal Swiss friend, to celebrate the release of my book. The chocolate boxes had pictures of the book and 'art of adventure' stamped all over them, so it made me laugh quite a bit.

I've got a bit of bubbly to take into my office today too.

I'll be spending today packing the advanced orders and inundating the post-office with them. They did say that if I left them with them, they would process them in their own good time, but I'm wondering how long it will take them?

There will be a book launch and signing this 28th of November at the McDonald Road library along with a 30 minute talk by myself about the making of some of the images contained within the book.

If you're intending on coming along to the book launch to buy a book, please do drop us a line and we can reserve a copy of the book for you.

If you can't make it to the launch, but would like a copy of the book, please go to the Half-Light Press website for more information.