Book mock up

Last night I posted some images of two proofs from my forthcoming book. The proofs look amazingly accurate considering that all books are printed in a four ink process - CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black).

But today, I thought I'd show you a small preview of the book layout (click for larger view). In this picture you can see a 1:1 mock up of the book (it's 12 inches by 13 inches in size) that the printer has sent to me. Don't assume this is close to the final print, because it's not. It's printed on standard office paper, and the colours and depth are way off. It's simply intended for verifying layout. They have generated this from the Quark Express press ready file we sent them. It's their way of double checking that I'm happy with the order of the pages, and for me to sign off or let them know about any corrections.