Front page update

I updated my front page today to show a selection of portraits from Lalibela in Ethiopia.

I'm almost done with my scanning and processing, but couldn't wait to show there has been some movement and that some new images will appear in a new portfolio soon. I'm hoping to put a little podcast together too about the trip and there will be some eBooks to follow as well regarding the preparation around the trip and also some details on how I made some of the images on the trip.

But in the meantime, I'm off to the Isle of Harris for another November shoot on some of the most minimalist, stunning beaches to be found here in Scotland.


Other breaking news is that Steve McCurry is due to release a limited edition book (3,300 copies only) for around £200. I love Steve's work and if you like portraiture too, then I would highly recommend some of his books from Phaidon Press, and if you're a big fan, then I'd recommend placing an order for his limited edition book (as I have).