Postpone another year?

I bet you’re keen to go travelling with your camera.

I’m just wondering if you’re one of the many who are thinking ‘give it another year, and things will all be back to normal’.

My view is that things aren’t going to go back to normal any time soon. Not in the next five years at least. My reasoning is that I’ve noticed a trend. We’ve all been thinking ‘give it a few more months, and things will be better’ since this all started 18 months ago. It’s a constantly shifting time-line with no end in sight.

So my view is: if you are going to keep postponing until everything is more reliable, less uncertain, you may be squandering valuable years of your life. I’d suggest just trying your best to get out there, and go travelling.

Since August, I’ve been to Iceland twice. I am there right now. Apart from the red-tape (more an effort in my view to be seen to be doing something, with a dash of politics thrown in), I’m here. I’m having a good time. And no, I’m not going to die from Covid, and I’ve probably got a lot less chance of catching it in the wilderness of Iceland’s landscape, than I do frequenting the supermarkets of my home town in Scotland.

But that isn’t the reason why most of us aren’t travelling. It’s the uncertainty of the rules that are stopping most of us. That we could get stuck somewhere. Or even catch covid and have to go into quarantine in a foreign town.

Heaven forbid.

Well my thoughts are: I’d much rather take that chance, than sit at home doing nothing for the next few years of my life.

So are you up for postponing for another year?

I hope not. Because very little is going to change.

Best to get out there. Now. Even do something in your own country is better than not going at all.

All we ever have is the present moment. The past is gone, and any control we have over the future is just an illusion.