Kiss the ground

I watched the Netflix movie ‘Kiss the ground’ last night, and it left me feeling that there’s hope for climate change.

In the film, it’s explained that tilling the fields causes soil erosion and since the 70’s we’ve lost 1/3rd of the earth’s soil this way. It eventually turns good land into desert. Analysts think we are 60 years away from losing all of it. That is 60 harvests.

It seems that soil has a way of absorbing carbon. But each year when we till it, we release carbon back into the air and also loosen the earth that the top soil can easily be washed or blown away. By not tilling it, there is a natural process at play where the land absorbs carbon and soil erosion doesn’t happen.

It is definitely worth watching this movie. Because I had been under the impression that carbon emissions could only be reduced by reducing our use of fossil fuels etc.