Who says rainy weather is bad?

I went back to the Isle of Eigg a week or so ago, and while I was there, I went back to the bay of Laig on the north western edge of the tiny island. The weather was the usual mix of atmospherics that I've experienced before with Eigg. One minute dry and sunny the next,  storm cloud brewing.

So here's a new landscape image, kindly scanned by a friend of mine, as I managed to break the glass tray for my Coolscan scanner.

Laig Bay, Isle of Eigg

When I get images back like this, I know that the Mamiya 7 is a superb camera and I should not give it such a hard time. I do get frustrated with it at times, but as always, the final results always make me fall in love with it.

There is a stream coming down from the land to the sea, and in this shot, the left hand side of the image is actually the widening stream as it enters the sea. I deliberately used a long exposure to soften the current of the stream, so it blends in with the textures in the sand on the right hand of the shot.

It was raining quite a lot, and the sky as you can see was very overast, but soft also. All these things, plus using a nice wide angle to accentuate the foreground sand detail result in a lovely image.

So who says that rainy weather is the time to put away the camera?